God’s plan with man – part 1: The creation of man

Author: Cees Visser
Translation: Ruud Lammers, Bart den Bak

E-book (ePub with watermark) 

PHOS publisher
ISBN: 978-90-808736-5-0
NUR: 707

Published in 2016
Price: € 8,50

This is a ‘glorious’ book about God’s glory. It bears witness to a clear understanding of God’s creation, man and congregation, Christ and the living members of the body and the working of the holy Spirit. These subjects are clearly and transparently explained. By reading this book, you will receive the possibility to further renew your thinking. By considering the thoughts in your heart, you will continue to be built up. That is why this book is a ‘must’ read for all who will really lead the way in the congregation; including those who seriously desire to co-operate with the grace of God. His plan can also give shape to your life.

Cees Visser (1952) grows up in the Full Gospel. Already at an early age he is ‘seized’ by the message of the Kingdom of the heavens. After having accomplished an academic study at Leiden University he works till 1992 as teacher chemistry in a college of advanced professional training at The Hague, the last years on a parttime basis.
In 1985 the Lord calls him and his wife Christa to minister in the Full Gospel Congregation ‘Immanuel’ at Breda, where they both fully dedicate themselves for the work of Jesus Christ. As from 1992 this becomes a fulltime pastorship. As from 1988 Cees Visser publishes bible-studies about God’s plan with men.

Table of contents

Chapter 1 – In the beginning
 1.1 – God’s plan
 1.2 – God is going to create
 1.3 – God creates the angels
 1.4 – Cherubs and seraphs
 1.5 – God creates the earth
 1.6 – God makes the earth ready
 1.7 – God creates life

Chapter 2 – God creates man
 2.1 – Let us make men
 2.2 – Man
 2.3 – The inner man
 2.4 – After God’s image

Chapter 3 – Life in two worlds
 3.1 – God’s intention
 3.2 – The true hearing
 3.3 – Enlightened eyes
 3.4 – Speaking

Chapter 4 – Inner faculties
 4.1 – Thinking
 4.2 – Intellect
 4.3 – Feeling
 4.4 – Conscience
 4.5 – Consciousness

Chapter 5 – Controlling faculties
 5.1 – Believing
 5.2 – Hoping
 5.3 – Willing
 5.4 – Loving

Chapter 6 – Inner constitution
 6.1 – Biblical understanding
 6.2 – Disposition
 6.3 – Orientation
 6.4 – Motivation

Chapter 7 – The first human couple
 7.1 – Garden of Eden
 7.2  The blessing of God

Chapter 8 – The building of the congregation
 8.1 – God’s plan continues
 8.2 – The local congregation
 8.3 – The congregation, a body well joined and held together
 8.4 – The congregation, a light in the world
 8.5 – Evangelisation and mission starting from the congregation

For an overview of the whole series of books about God’s plan with man, click here